Brochures and leaflets
Statutory accident insurance institution for first-aiders

The information flyer for first-aiders is available in various languages:
Statutory accident insurance institution for first-aiders
Yasal kaza sigortası ilk yardım sağlayan kişiler için
التغطية التأمينية القانونية ضد الحوادث للمسعفات والمسعفي ن
Gesetzlicher Unfallversicherungsschutz für Ersthelferinnen und Ersthelfer

Affected people: Trauma – What to do?

Traumatised children or adolescents: Trauma – what to do?
Information for acutely affected people and their relatives
The 22-page information brochure is intended to help people cope with everyday life after a traumatic event, so that they can find their way better in the new, suddenly exceptional situation. It is also intended to help outsiders, e.g. relatives, to better understand their counterparts. The brochure was written in response to specific questions from adults and their relatives.
The authors are psychologists Monika Dreiner and Thomas Weber, Centre for Trauma and Conflict Management (ZTK), Cologne.
Information for anyone dealing with traumatised children or adolescents
Clearly structured and in comprehensible language, the behaviour of traumatised children and adolescents is described. Advice on how to deal with children and adolescents in different phases of coping with trauma and at different ages is given here in a clear way. The guidebook is aimed at both teachers and affected parents.
The authors are psychologists Monika Dreiner and Thomas Weber, Centre for Trauma and Conflict Management (ZTK), Cologne.