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Physical and psychological injuries

If you are physically injured while providing assistance, the Unfallkasse Berlin will cover the costs of any treatment that may be necessary. In this case, the medical clarification is carried out by the so-called accident insurance consultant or Durchgangsarzt. These doctors are special partners of the social accident insurance. You can ask the Unfallkasse for the contact details of the accident insurance consultants or simply look them up yourself on the Internet: Search for a Durchgangsarzt. 

If, after some time, you notice that you are still not feeling well psychologically and that the event is still bothering you, please also contact the responsible accident insurance consultant or contact the Unfallkasse Berlin directly. In such a case, mental health damage that occurred as a result of your assistance is also insured and can be treated at an early stage. If necessary, Unfallkasse Berlin will help you find the appropriate psychotherapeutic help. Contact us if you find that you are unable to cope with the event on your own.

Further information as well as a search option for approved therapists in the statutory accident insurance can be found here: Search for a psychotherapist.